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Electric Scooter Benzina Zero Launch in Brisbane

The Benzina Zero launch event hosted last Thursday at their home base in Brisbane had an epic turn out with some exciting announcements from the growing electric scooter brand.


Over 130 VIP’s across industry, government, media and business attended the launch at their flagship store in Kelvin Grove – inner Brisbane. The magnitude of some of the VIPs in attendance shows some great promise for the electric vehicle future of Brisbane. 


Benzina Zero launch front window

As fuel prices and other costs of living continue to rise, electric scooters are set to be the next big leap in inner city transportation. Evidenced by the number of electric scooter registrations climbing significantly year on year. 

The Benzina Zero range of scooters can be ridden with a C-class license offer between 80-100 kilometers and are powered by portable batteries you can detach and charge anywhere. If you want some more info on the Benzina Zero ranges available at AEMC check out this article, or their bike profile page here

Two of the big announcements to come out of the Benzina Zero launch, were the announcement of a new, fourth Benzina Zero model, the Duo X. We will be covering the details of the new model once we get them, but for now all we have is this cool little launch video. 

The second announcement was that entries are now open to win a Benzina Zero scooter for a year. Think about what you could save in petrol and transport costs over a year by being given a free, top of the line electric scooter. If you’re reading this and live in an inner city suburb, jump on this opportunity. Entries close Ocotober 7th 11.59pm AEST. Click on the image below to enter

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